Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dryer Lint or What to do When Kindling Fails

Dryer lint is the universally maligned material that seems to serve no purpose other than to annoy already annoyed laundry doers across the world.  Most people would have little to do with dryer lint than to throw it away without a second thought as it seems to be the scapegoat of the laundry process.

The outdoorsman on the other hand sees dryer lint as a possible lifesaver when out in the wilds.  The reason for this is the fact that dryer lint is an excellent catalyst for fire-building (and trust me a fire must be built).  The reason for this lies in the fact that the lint is an extremely dry and loosely packed material.  Which can be awfully difficult to come across in forests or mountains.

I can't possibly recount the amount of times that Lint has gotten me fire from otherwise damp wood and saved a camping trip or two from the prospect of not having the social lubricant of the

So if you are planning to go out on a tramp (as our New Zealander friends would call it) then make sure that you collect plenty of Dryer Lint and pack it away in a plastic bag or with your tinder box and be the star of your next adventure into the wild.   

Amaze and Delight your friends with the miraculous powers of Dryer Lint!

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