Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why America IS the Dystopian Future That We Feared

If an individual is somewhat introspective and aware, he can't help but notice the pall that has fallen over America.  This country has long been in the grips of a fall from grace, so to speak and one can't help but to notice it.  More and more of our intelligent young people have fallen into drug and alcohol abuse or have dropped out of society.

Why is this?  Why are our most intelligent young men and women fallen into these traps and not made something of their lives?  Their are many opinions regarding this situation but there is simply only one answer and this answer can be found in the pages of "Atlas Shrugged."

If you haven't closed out of this window in disgust, you are more honest in your search for answers than most people are.  Even if you disagree with Rand's diagnoses, you must be struck, however, with how closely her predictions came to our present situation.  If you will allow me to, I will set about in describing how this is.

Like the opening of "Atlas Shrugged" we seem to be trapped in some terrible Film Noir nightmare.  Everything seems to be steeped in perpetual darkness lit only by streetlamps through a heavy fog.  Jobs that are satisfying are difficult to come by and many prognosticators are throwing different forms of the same answer at us, "You must learn to sacrifice" or "We have to live a less lavish life style" but the most damning thing is "Look at this lavish royal family, just wait and a Prince will carry you away."

The real problem is simply this, incompetence is rewarded and achievement is a sign of some character flaw.  If you are like me, you have seen this truth day in and day out at your job and in social interactions.  If a person is incompetent, they are rewarded.  Jobs are used as a form of charity where job performance earns the inverse of what it should.  Higher paying jobs are given to "people who need them" rather than people who have earned them.  The same is true in social interactions.  A person of culture and intelligence is considered an outsider while a person who is incredibly stupid or inept is loved and cared for in all situations.

Our culture has become one that rewards inferiority and stupidity.  This is the reason for the fall of our country and the dystopian present that we find ourselves.  So why should bright young people want to excel?  Why wouldn't they want to kill off the brain cells which make them different and creative?  The society that we find ourselves in does not reward excellence; it rewards mediocrity so it stands to reason that the best and brightest of our society not born into the upper echelons would want to butcher and deface themselves to make themselves appear to be like the rest of the sea of mediocrity that they find themselves in.

America is now a dystopia, congratulations ladies and gentlemen we have made it. 

1 comment:

  1. Americans accept "mediocrity" in the name of "equality". Supperlatives are extinct in American culture. There is no good, better, best. All is equally good. To rise above the standard or outdo a peer is looked at as arrogant or even evil. The passions for life, virtue, love, and arts are lost. Humanity is lost.
